Spring 2010
East Anglia ONE – Non-statutory consultation begins
Engagement carried out with key stakeholders.
July 2010
East Anglia ONE – First public consultation events held
On 20 July the project team visited communities in Great Yarmouth to introduce the project, followed by a visit to communities in Lowestoft on 21 July.
July 2010
East Anglia ONE – Scoping Report submitted
In July 2010, we submitted a Scoping Report relating to the electricity works for East Anglia ONE to the Infrastructure Planning Commission.
November 2010
East Anglia ONE – Scoping Opinion received
In November we received the formal Scoping Opinion from the Infrastructure Planning Commission for East Anglia ONE.
January 2011
East Anglia ONE – Consultation on the Statement of Community Consultation begins
In January we began to consult with local authorities on the Statement of Community Consultation. This document outlines the ways in which we would formally consult with interested parties and keep them updated on the progress of the project. This process ran until April 2011.
April 2011
East Anglia ONE – Statement of Community Consultation published
After consulting with the local authorities, we formally published our Statement of Community Consultation for East Anglia ONE. We also held local engagement events to present and discuss this document.
July 2011
East Anglia ONE – Statutory consultation begins
On 20 and 21 July, we submitted an Electricity Transmission Scoping Report and commenced statutory consultation, including information days which were held in Felixstowe and Ipswich to discuss the electrical transmission works for East Anglia ONE, specifically the onshore and offshore cables and the converter station location. We also organised four unmanned exhibitions throughout the local area.
The formal consultation period was extended from the 18 August to the 31 October 2011 to offer further engagement opportunities with the local community.
February 2012
East Anglia ONE – Preliminary Environment Information Report published
The Preliminary Environment Information Report (PEIR) outlined details of our proposals for the windfarm, for the cable route and grid connection and initiated two rounds of public consultation in February and July 2012, known as Phase 2 (Part 1) Consultation and Phase 2 (Part 2) Consultation.
February 2012
East Anglia ONE – Phase 2 (Part 1) Consultation
From 10 February to 30 March 2012 we formally consulted on our proposals for East Anglia ONE and its associated onshore and offshore electrical works and cables. We held four public information days and organised additional meetings with community and fishing groups.
July 2012
East Anglia ONE – Phase 2 (Part 2) Consultation
From 6 July to 3 September 2012, we undertook the second part of the Phase 2 Consultation for the East Anglia ONE project, and its associated onshore and offshore electrical works and its cables.
November 2012
East Anglia ONE – DCO application submission
After concluding consultations on our detailed proposals, we finalised our application for consent for East Anglia ONE and submitted this to the Planning Inspectorate for review.
November 2012
East Anglia THREE – Scoping Report submission
We submitted our Scoping Report for East Anglia THREE to the Planning Inspectorate for review.
December 2012
East Anglia ONE – DCO application acceptance
In December, we received the formal Scoping Opinion from the Infrastructure Planning Commission for East Anglia THREE.
December 2012
East Anglia THREE – Scoping Opinion received
In December, the Planning Inspectorate reviewed our application for development consent for East Anglia ONE and confirmed that we had provided all the relevant information to enable the application to be formally reviewed.
January 2013
East Anglia ONE – Section 56 Post application consultation
From 25 January to 6 March 2013, a forty-day consultation took place to invite people to provide their views on East Anglia ONE directly to the Planning Inspectorate.
May 2013
East Anglia ONE – Supplementary Environmental Information published
Following further consultation held by the Planning Inspectorate, we published supplementary information in support of our application for consent for East Anglia ONE. This was open for consultation from 17 May to 16 June 2013.
June 2013
East Anglia ONE – Examination begins
A preliminary meeting for the review of the East Anglia ONE consent application was held on the 25 June. The examination period followed for six months and during this time the project team supplied additional information and attended open floor hearings.
Sep 2013
East Anglia THREE – Statement of Community Consultation published
In September 2013 we published our Statement of Community Consultation, outlining how we proposed to engage with communities throughout the development of East Anglia THREE. Throughout October and November 2013, we hosted local events for interested parties to give us their feedback on this document.
May 2014
East Anglia THREE – PEIR publication and public consultation
In May 2014 we published the Preliminary Environmental Information Report for East Anglia THREE and undertook public consultation on this throughout June and July.
June 2014
East Anglia ONE – Development Consent granted
Following a six-month examination period, East Anglia ONE received planning consent from the Secretary of State.
February 2015
East Anglia ONE – Contract for Difference awarded
East Anglia ONE is awarded a Contract for Difference at £119 per MWh, making it the most cost-effective offshore windfarm to be delivered in the UK to date.
June 2015
East Anglia THREE – Public consultation
We consulted on the proposed construction phasing scenarios and some changes we were making to the project description for East Anglia THREE, in preparation for applying for development consent.
June 2015
East Anglia ONE – UK’s most significant wind power deal signed
Siemens was selected as the preferred turbine supplier for East Anglia ONE, in the biggest deal ever concluded for a consented project in the UK wind energy sector.
July 2015
East Anglia ONE – Supply chain event held for local companies
More than 200 people attended a specialist event to engage with our main contractors and learn about opportunities to become involved with East Anglia ONE.
November 2015
East Anglia THREE – DCO application submitted
Following three years of development, detailed design and consultation, we submitted our finalised application for consent for East Anglia THREE.
November 2015
East Anglia ONE – 30-year deal with Port of Lowestoft
A £25 million, 30-year deal with the Port of Lowestoft was announced, for the facility to act as a construction and operations hub for East Anglia ONE.
December 2015
East Anglia THREE – DCO Application accepted
After an initial review of the documentation submitted for our East Anglia THREE project, the Planning Inspectorate confirmed that we had provided the relevant information to enable our application to be formally reviewed.
March 2016
East Anglia THREE – Section 56 Post-Application consultation
From 3 March to 22 April, we undertook Section 56 consultation on our proposals to develop our second project in waters off the coast of East Anglia.
May 2016
East Anglia ONE North and TWO – EIA contracts placed
In May 2016, we placed the lead Environmental Impact Assessment contracts for both our East Anglia ONE North and East Anglia TWO projects, marking the next phase of development work. This marked the first stage in bringing forward up to a further 1.6 Gigawatts of renewable energy off the coast of East Anglia.
December 2016
East Anglia THREE – Examination complete
Following submission of the East Anglia THREE application for development consent in November 2015 and acceptance by the Planning Inspectorate in December 2015, an examination for the project commenced in June 2016 and formally concluded in December 2016.
Spring 2017
East Anglia ONE – Pre-construction commences
Initial works included archaeological investigations, installation of site fencing and construction of the temporary haul road. The haul road ran the length of the cable route and enabled construction traffic to reach the works area from designated access points. Early works also began at the substation site near Bramford.
Offshore work begins on the installation of the foundations for the wind turbines. The first of the 302 piles were installed in the seabed.
June 2017
East Anglia ONE – Public Information Days
A series of Public Information Days were held at several locations near the 37km cable route in June and July. The PIDs provided an opportunity for communities near the works to meet members of the project team and ask questions about the onshore works prior to the main construction phase commencing in the summer.
August 2017
East Anglia THREE – Planning consent received
Planning consent granted by the Secretary of State on 7 August 2017.
October 2017
East Anglia ONE North and TWO – Phase 1 Consultation
Introduction of the East Anglia ONE North and East Anglia TWO offshore windfarm projects to stakeholders and local communities took place via our non-statutory consultation phase held between October and November 2017.
November 2017
East Anglia ONE - Commencement of Horizontal Direct Drilling (HDD)
Where the onshore cable route travels through areas such as major transport networks or a natural obstacle and it is not possible to use open trench methods, ducting is installed using HDD or boring techniques. The drill under the River Deben began in November and was completed in early 2018. The rig drilled was approximately 700m under the River Deben from Falkenham, exiting at Ramsholt, and is believed to be one of the biggest to have been deployed in the UK.
November 2017
East Anglia ONE North and TWO – Scoping Reports submitted
The Scoping Reports for East Anglia ONE North and East Anglia TWO were submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for their consideration on 9 November 2017. These documents outlined our initial proposals and sought stakeholder opinions on the areas we should investigate in detail when undertaking our Environmental Impact Assessments.
December 2017
East Anglia ONE - Installation of cable ducts
Duct installation began in December. The High Voltage cables were pulled through the ducts by a different contractor in 2018.
March 2018
East Anglia ONE North and TWO – Statement of Community Consultation published
In accordance with Section 47 of the Planning Act 2008, ScottishPower Renewables published a Statement of Community Consultation (SoCC). The SoCC explains how ScottishPower Renewables intended to consult with local communities on the proposed offshore windfarm projects known as East Anglia TWO and East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarms, as required under the Planning Act 2008.
March 2018
East Anglia ONE North and TWO – Phase 2 Consultation
Phase 2 marked the start of statutory consultation which involved engagement with bodies and organisations as required by the Development Consent Order (DCO) process. Taking place between March and April 2018, it provided further information on the refinement of the Onshore Study Area and offshore elements.
July 2018
East Anglia ONE – Construction begins on the Operations and Maintenance building
In July construction began on the new operations and maintenance (O&M) building for East Anglia ONE at Associated British Ports’ Hamilton Dock in Lowestoft. The base, which is now the home of East Anglia ONE for the next 30 years, supports the day-to-day operations of the windfarm, providing around 100 full-time long-term jobs, as well as sustaining thousands in the supply chain, contributing substantially to the local economy.
May 2018
East Anglia ONE North and TWO – Phase 3 Consultation
Phase 3 Consultation took place between May and August 2018 and focused on the Indicative Onshore Development Area and the community’s views on mitigation.
August 2018
East Anglia ONE – Offshore construction commences
In August 2018, offshore works for East Anglia ONE commenced. This included the construction of two offshore converter stations, the laying of two sub-sea export cables, each 73 kilometres in length, in addition to the array cables to connect the wind turbines. The jacket foundations for the turbines and the turbines themselves were transported to site and installed. Each jacket was installed onto three of the foundation piles previously installed in 2017.
Sep 2018
East Anglia ONE North and TWO – Phase 3.5 Consultation
An additional phase of consultation was carried out between September and November 2018 with a primary focus to present Broom Covert, Sizewell as an alternative substation site option. After exploring the viability of an alternative substation site, Grove Wood, Friston, was concluded to remain SPR’s preferred site location. An updated Statement of Community Consultation was published to support this additional stage of consultation.
January 2019
East Anglia ONE North and TWO – Phase 4 Consultation
This statutory consultation phase was carried out between January and March 2019 and focused on the Preliminary Environmental Information Report (PEIR), which set out the proposed infrastructure, its potential impacts and the environmental, social and economic effects and mitigation measures proposed.
June 2019
East Anglia ONE – First wind turbine installed offshore
Sep 2019
East Anglia ONE – First power achieved
First power achieved from East Anglia ONE’s Siemens wind turbines.
October 2019
East Anglia ONE North and TWO – DCO application submission
Applications for consent for both East Anglia ONE North and TWO were submitted in October 2019, following three years of detailed design and consultation.
November 2019
East Anglia ONE North and TWO – DCO application acceptance
Development Consent Order applications for East Anglia TWO and East Anglia ONE North offshore windfarms accepted for examination by the Planning Inspectorate.
December 2019
East Anglia ONE North and TWO – Section 56 consultation
From 16 December 2019 to 27 January 2020 the Planning Inspectorate undertook Section 56 consultation on our proposals to develop the East Anglia TWO and East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarms.
July 2020
East Anglia ONE - Full Operation Achieved
Construction of East Anglia ONE was completed and full operations began. East Anglia ONE has a capacity to generate up to 714 MW of power, powering up to 630,000 homes.
October 2020
East Anglia ONE North and TWO – Examination commenced
Following the close of the Preliminary Meetings on 6 October, the examination period commenced on 6 October 2020. The Examination period was extended in April 2021 by three months and closed on 6 July 2021.
March 2022
East Anglia ONE North and TWO – Planning consent awarded
Planning approval was received from the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) for the development of East Anglia ONE North and East Anglia TWO offshore windfarms.
July 2022
East Anglia THREE – Onshore construction commences
Onshore construction of East Anglia THREE commenced in July 2022.