Additional Land Material Change Consultation for East Anglia ONE North and East Anglia TWO
On 2 November 2020 East Anglia TWO and East Anglia ONE North submitted a request to the Secretary of State for the DCO to include authorisation for the compulsory acquisition of interests in and rights over additional land for East Anglia ONE North and East Anglia TWO (the ‘Proposed Provisions’).
The Examining Authority accepted the Proposed Provision for Examination on 19 November 2020. We are therefore holding a public consultation under Regulation 7 of the Compulsory Planning Acquisition.
Interested Parties have been notified of this consultation phase and newspaper notices have been published in The Times, The Gazette and The East Anglia Daily Times on the 7 Dec there will be a second publication for East Anglian Daily Times on the 14 Dec.
Proposed Changes
The Additional Land included within the Proposed Provision is required as a result of continued refinement of the project and ongoing consultation with landowners and stakeholders. In summary the proposed amendments are as follows:
- Construction, use and subsequent removal of a temporary water supply from the underground water supply at Thorpeness Road. This temporary water supply will support the trenchless technique activities undertaken at which are required to bring the offshore export cables ashore.
- To facilitate a temporary diversion of Public Right of Way E-363/027/0. No temporary diversion was provided for this Public Right of Way within the Application so this is required to ensure continued use.
- To facilitate the permanent diversion of Public Right of Way E-363/027/0 and associated landscape works and to allow the re-introduction of the historic footpath and historic field boundary.
- To facilitate an alternative surface water outfall connection from the onshore substations and National Grid substation to the Friston Watercourse, allowing for the optimal design of the surface water outfall to the Friston Watercourse.
Documentation relating to this consultation includes the Application for the Inclusion of Additional Land (which includes maps showing the location of the Additional Land) (REP1-037) together with the Statement of Reasons (REP1-006), Book of Reference (REP1-015), Schedule of Changes to the Book of Reference (REP1-016), Funding Statement (REP1-008, REP1-010, REP1-012 and REP1-013), revised land plans (onshore) (REP1-004), revised works plans (onshore) (REP1-005) and the revised draft DCO (“the Additional Documents”) for each proposed development on the following project webpages on the National Infrastructure Planning website under the ‘Documents’ tab for East Anglia ONE North and East Anglia TWO.
The Additional Documents will be available to view on the website for at least the duration of the Examination, which is due to be completed by no later than 6 April 2021.
The Additional Documents will also be available for inspection free of charge as set out below, but in light of the current public health situation surrounding COVID-19, if you are planning to attend to inspect the Additional Documents, this will be by appointment only. Opening times and visiting arrangements are subject to change and will be explained when making an appointment.
Inspection Location | Opening Times | Visiting Arrangements (Overview) |
Leiston-cum-Sizewell Town Council Council Offices, Main Street, Leiston, Suffolk, IP16 4ER Telephone: 01728830388 Email: | By appointment only. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9:00am - 12:30pm | Inspection of the additional documents will be by appointment only by telephoning or emailing in advance. Arrangements releated to COVD-19 measures will be communicated by the venue in advance of the appointment. |
Making a Representation
Any representations (giving notice of any interest in or objection to the Proposed Provisions) should be made on the Planning Inspectorate’s Registration and Relevant Representation Form which can be accessed and completed online at the East Anglia TWO and East Anglia ONE North pages of the Planning Inspectorate website.
If you would like to request a hard copy of the Planning Inspectorate’s Registration and Relevant Representation Form, please telephone the Planning Inspectorate on 0303 444 5000. Hard copy completed forms should be sent to: Planning Inspectorate (National Infrastructure Directorate), Temple Quay House, Temple Quay, Bristol. BS1 6PN. The Planning Inspectorate reference for the Application should be quoted in any correspondence, which is EN010078.
Please note that representations must be received by the Planning Inspectorate by 13 January 2021 23:59. If you wish to make a representation on both East Anglia TWO and East Anglia ONE North you should submit a representation in respect of each application.