What is your role within SPR?
“I am the foundations package manager for East Anglia THREE. Its 95 14.7MW turbines need new generation XXL foundations - monopiles and transition pieces – to stand upright.
I am responsible for the design and fabrication of the monopiles and transition pieces. Currently, fabrication is taking place at three different fabrication sites for the project to accommodate the capacity.”
What was it that first sparked your interest in an engineering role?
“I was good at maths and physics. There was no epiphany or back story. My dad was an engineer and worked at a power station. I would watch him fix the car. It was quite normalised and didn’t feel I was doing anything different.”
Is this the career you planned when you were a student?
“I’m not someone who has big visions, I always enjoyed what I was doing, and I try to take each day as it comes and take opportunities that come along.”
“My career has changed a lot during that time. I did very detailed engineering analysis as a graduate but knew quite quickly I wanted to move into project management. I enjoy knowing how things work and I really like bringing together different people who work in different ways into a team.”
What gets you out of bed in the morning?
“My team. They are what that drives me - working with them, supporting them and seeing them develop and benefit from my support and leadership.
Then getting to site and seeing the things being built.”
How can more females be attracted to engineering careers?
“Women are underrepresented. We need to normalise engineering careers. My boyfriend’s daughter is five and said she wanted to be a builder. We need to encourage these choices from childhood.”
Why do you enjoy being a mentor?
“I like working with graduates and influencing their career choices and give that encouragement. I love the enthusiasm of youth – it’s contagious.”